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About the EESL-UNIDO-MoMSME Project:

The EESL -UNIDO -MOMSME project titled “Promoting Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME)" is being implemented by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in collaboration with Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL), a JV of PSUs under Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) are also supporting this project as “Co-Financer”. The project aims to deploy 30-35 technologies in selective MSME clusters in the country which have maximum possibility of replication and potential to improve the energy productivity of fellow MSMEs units, hence competitiveness. The project also aims to adopt various business models of ESCO (Energy Servicing Company) where the MSME unit is expected to pay-back to the investor from the monetized energy saving in a period of time.

Broad objectives of the project

  • To promote the implementation of EE in MSME sector through replicable technologies
  • Create & sustain a revolving fund mechanism to ensure replication of EE measures in the sector
  • To address the identified barriers for scaling-up EE measures & promote a cleaner & competitive MSME industries in India
Agencies Broad Role
Ministry of MSME, GoI Nodal Ministry to Oversee and Guide the Project Implementation
UNIDO GEF Agency and Project Implementing Agency
EESL National Project Execution Partner Co-Financing to the tune of $ 20 mn as investment
BEE National Project Partner In-kind support for overall implementation
SIDBI National Project Partner Co-Financing to the tune of $ 6.86 mn as loan

Expected outcomes of the project

  • Reduction in CO2 emission: 0.080 million Tons
  • Energy Saving : 956184 GJ/Year
  • Target beneficiaries’ industry: 400 nos
  • Technologies to be deployed :30-35 no
  • Clusters to be identified: 10 no